

China Railway Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and Railways Agency of Turkmenistan

Published:2024-06-26 【字体:

       On June 12, Liu Zhenfang, Chairman of CR, held a video conference with Atamuradov Azat, Chairman of the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and Railways Agency of Turkmenistan. During the meeting, both parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between CR and the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan and Railways Agency of Turkmenistan.

  Liu Zhenfang expressed his gratitude to Atamuradov Azat and Turkmen railway colleagues for their significant contributions to developing friendly and practical cooperation between the railways of China and Turkmenistan. He noted that both countries' railways, as members of the Organization for Co-operation Between Railways (OSJD), have maintained a fruitful cooperative relationship under the multilateral framework. As bilateral relations continue to develop, practical cooperation between China and Turkmenistan's railways in areas such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the high-quality development of the CRE train will deepen, offering a broad outlook. The signing of the MoU is significant for promoting economic and trade ties between the two nations, developing international railway transport corridors passing through both countries, enhancing Eurasian railway connectivity, and fostering international railway freight cooperation to and from third countries via China and Turkmenistan. On this foundation, further cooperation between the two countries' railways is expected to achieve greater results, contributing to the deepening of China-Turkmenistan comprehensive cooperation and building a China-Turkmenistan community with a shared future.

  Atamuradov Azat expressed his gratitude to CR for its efforts in promoting bilateral railway cooperation. He emphasized that Turkmenistan places great importance on mutually beneficial cooperation with CR. Turkmenistan, located between China and Europe, actively supports the development of international railway freight transport from China to Turkmenistan and transit through Turkmenistan to Europe, especially container transport. In line with Turkmenistan's plans for the development of transport and railway infrastructure, Turkmenistan hopes to further deepen cooperation with CR and advance the "Revival of the Great Silk Road" strategy. He believes that the signing of this MoU will provide more opportunities for railway cooperation between China and Turkmenistan, further facilitating the China-Europe railway transport corridor and promoting mutually beneficial development.
