

People's Daily: Cargo Volume of China-Vietnam Freight Trains Departing from Guangxi Increased 16-Fold in the First Seven Months of 2024

Published:2024-09-03 【字体:

    According to information from CR-Nanning, the cargo volume transported by China-Vietnam freight trains originating from Guangxi reached a cumulative total of 6,850 TEUs in the first seven months of this year, representing a 16-fold increase year-on-year. In July alone, 1,922 TEUs were transported, exceeding the total volume for the first quarter of this year and setting a new monthly record for the third time this year.

  Since its launch in late November 2017, the China-Vietnam freight train service has grown from an initial average of fewer than five trains per month to a regular schedule of three trains per week. With the implementation of various customs facilitation reforms, the scheduled transit time for the China-Vietnam freight train from Nanningnan Railway Station in China to Yên Viên Railway Station in Vietnam is now only 14 hours, allowing for same-day departure, same-day arrival at Yên Viên, and same-day customs clearance and cargo pickup.

  It is understood that the CR-Nanning has been actively expanding the China-Vietnam freight train market. Efforts include promoting the use of China-Vietnam fast-track customs clearance trains for shipping paper products from Nanning, tapping into trade sources from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to Vietnam, and organizing the operation of the Guangzhou-Nanning-Vietnam "Railway + Railway" connecting train, successfully transporting goods such as cardboard boxes and computer accessories from Guangzhou to Vietnam. Additionally, the mixed cargo shipment of mechanical and electrical products, plastic products, clothing, hats and furniture from Guangzhou to Vietnam has been optimized for customs clearance in Nanning. In July, seven containers of such mixed cargo were successfully test-shipped, opening a new, efficient cross-border logistics channel for goods exported from the Greater Bay Area to Vietnam.
