

New Data, New Highlights | CRE Trains Reach 90,000 Operations: People's Daily

Published:2024-06-12 【字体:

      Beijing, May 25 (By Li Xinping) - As the X8157 CRE train departed from Xi'anguojigang Railway Station on May 25, the cumulative number of CRE trains reached 90,000. These trains have transported over 8.7 million TEUs of goods, with a total value exceeding $380 billion, maintaining safe and stable operations, according to CR.

  Expansion of Scale: From 2016 to 2023, the annual number of CRE train operations increased from 1,702 to over 17,000. The annual transportation value rose from $8 billion in 2016 to $56.7 billion in 2023, with the range of goods expanding to over 50,000 items across 53 categories. The overall full-container rate of CRE trains remains stable at 100%.

  Enhanced Corridor Capacity: Domestically, a series of renovation projects have been implemented, significantly increasing the capacity of the three main transport corridors exiting through six major ports. There are now 87 scheduled CRE train routes operating at speeds of 120 km/h, connecting 122 cities within China. As of now, CRE trains reach 223 cities in 25 European countries and over 100 cities in 11 Asian countries, with a service network that essentially covers the entire Eurasian continent.

  Improved Operation Quality: The maximum number of wagons and traction capacity for the 120 km/h CRE trains have been increased to 55 wagons and 3,000 tons, respectively. The average load per train has increased by more than 34% compared to the initial operations, and the rail transport time between China and Europe has generally been reduced by more than five days compared to the early days of operation.

